akirolabs welcomes Jens Rassloff as Chairman of its Advisory Board!

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Many years ago, when I started my career in Procurement in the mid-eighties of the last century, Category Management was a hot thing. In the

Are the Procurement Labs developing the desperately sought-after C-19 business vaccine for strengthening the immune systems of our economy and our businesses? The Covid-19 pandemic

Our Co-Founder Detlef was kindly invited by Sourcing Solved to feature in their Procurement in 5-Minutes Podcast. Hear what Detlef had to say about the biggest threat

Our scientific advisor Prof. Dr. Karsten Machholz was kindly invited by Sourcing Solved to feature in their Procurement in 5-Minutes Podcast. Hear what Karsten had

Tune into the podcast here. Summary by James Meads on the episode below. There are many great stories about how startups are created, but this

akirolabs has presented at DPW 2022! Watch our Co-Founder Detlef talk about akiro and the future of procurement.

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